JEANY JAMES – Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam)

JEANY JAMES – Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam)

US / French artist, great singer and piano player JEANY JAMES is set to drop her latest single, "Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam)" on January 19th via GB Prod/Play Two. Teaming up with renowned producer Greg Barata in Paris, the mastermind behind hits like "Wodan" and Basada's "Good Vibes," Jeany James infuses this track with a highly infectious and viral energy. The song taps into the universal yearning for a break from the mundane, capturing the essence of rediscovering joy in life. It delves into themes of companionship, the exhilaration of a night out with friends, and an unbridled desire for love and happiness. Get ready to be swept away by this great voice, the electrifying beats and irresistible charm of "Watch Your Lady (Bam Bam)".

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